Shams Al Saduq Co is committed to providing safe, healthy, and Drug-free work environments at all of its operating locations. Shams Al Saduq is dedicated to preventing health and safety exposures which could adversely affect the employees, the customers, or the community.
Shams management is committed to ensuring that all applicable regulatory health and safety protection requirements are complied with or exceeded and that all adequate resources are provided to ensure the health and safety of our employees. In addition:
Employees are recognized as the foundation of the health and safety program’s success.’ As a condition of employment all employees are required to adhere to established policies and procedures and shall actively participate in all provided safety training. Employees shall be adequately trained to identify work place hazards and take appropriate corrective action to mitigate their consequences. It should also be the responsibility of each employee to utilize this acquired safety culture to benefit family members and others they may contact. Managers shall take a leadership role to ensure all employees are informed of the applicable policies and procedures, and demonstrate dedicated commitment to continual improvement in safety performance.
Managers and Supervisors are responsible for maintaining safe working Conditions and practices and are also responsible for the safety of all employees under their supervision. No operation shall be undertaken or continued when there is an imminent hazard to any employee that cannot be either controlled or contained such that the hazard is as low as reasonably practical .Employees shall immediately report any unsafe or hazardous working condition, or spill of hazardous substance, and shall have the authority to cease any operation which poses an immediate serious threat of injury.
Equipment Safety Requirements:
Only authorized, trained personnel shall operate vehicles and mobile equipment. Certain equipment requires operators to be trained and certified.
- The operator shall inspect all mobile equipment prior to use at the start of each shift. Any safety defects shall be corrected before use
- Operating back-up signals are required on all mobile equipment
- All mobile equipment shall be turned off and the brake set when left unattended. When parking mobile equipment on sloping or un-level ground, brakes should be set and wheels chocked. The driver is responsible for the safety of all passengers and the stability of materials being hauled
- Seat belts shall be worn at all times in equipment and vehicles
- Obey posted speed limits and other regulatory signs on site. If no speed limit is posted, the speed limit shall be 10 MPH
- Give pedestrians the right of way
- Only authorized, properly trained persons may operate Forklifts, Scissor lifts, Cranes, Manlifts, Excavators, Dump trucks or any other of our equipment’s
- Equipment must not be operated beyond its rated capacity. Rating plates on the machines must be kept legible
- Routine maintenance, fueling, or repairs must not be performed while the equipment is in use or the power on
- Recognize that emergencies can occur at any time and be prepared for them by staying alert
- All equipment will be stored in down position with ignition keys removed from switch. Shut off all fuel supply valves on equipment stored overnight or longer
- All machinery shall be equipped with a fire extinguisher. The fire extinguisher must have a current inspection attached
Personal Safety Requirements:
All employees must be committed to the following:
- No one under the age of eighteen (18) shall be permitted on a job site unless accompanied by a supervisor 100% of the time. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL A PERSON UNDER 18 BE EMPLOYED ON A JOB SITE.
- All workers or other persons admitted to the jobs shall wear short or long-sleeved shirts, long pants, appropriate shoes for the work, and ANSI approved hard hats. No tennis shoes, shorts or tank tops allowed.
- No one will be allowed on the site while under the influence of intoxicants or drugs. Anyone violating this will be immediately discharged. Do not allow a person who is impaired to leave the site on his own. Call a taxi or send him home by other means.
- All employees will conduct themselves in a professional workman like manner at all times. Any harassment of other personnel, horseplay, fighting, or disruptive activities of any kind will result in disciplinary action
- Workers shall report unsafe conditions or workers to their supervisors as soon as possible. No one shall be permitted to work, if it is known that their ability or alertness is impaired by fatigue, illness, or other causes that might expose the individual or others to injury
- Report defective or worn tools to your foreman. Use machines only for their intended jobs. If the equipment has guards, keep them in place. If the equipment needs repairs, make sure repairs are completed before using the equipment. Ensure that properly qualified personnel accomplish these repairs. Only persons authorized to do so by their foreman can operate cranes, forklifts, and other equipment
- All accidents resulting in personal injury or property damage, no matter how slight, must be reported to the superintendent and foreman immediately. Those involved may be required to submit to drug testing
- Always help fellow workers. Keep an eye out for the safety of your fellow worker. Give special attention to new or unexperienced workers
Drug-free Workplace:
At Shams Al Saduq Co, we value our employees and recognize their need for a safe and healthy work environment. Furthermore, employees abusing drugs and alcohol are less productive and are often a risk to the safety, security, and productivity of our Company. The establishment of a Drug-Free Workplace Policy is consistent with our company desired culture and is in the best interest of the Company and its employees and customers
It is the policy of Shams Al Saduq Co to maintain a workplace free from the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol. Compliance with this policy is a condition of continued employment. It supersedes any other Company policy or practice on this subject. At any time, Shams may unilaterally, at its discretion, amend, supplement, modify, or change any part of this policy. The policy does not represent an expressed or implied contract, and does not affect your status as an at-will employee
Shams reserves the right to use disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, depending upon the seriousness of the violation, the employee’s present job assignment, the employee’s record with the Company, and other factors, including the impact of the violation upon the conduct of Company business
SSC Environment Policy:
Shams Al-Saduq firmly believes that environmental protection is of equal importance to all other aspects of our operations. This organization’s policy is to provide and maintain the most effective environmental control procedures, to follow all applicable legal requirements and to do everything that’s feasible to project the environment. Environmental respect is to be practice by all employees, to the maximum extent possible at our facilities. This is of significant value to the environment, to the community, to the safety of our employees and to the continued, success of our operations. Environmental awareness, including reduction of chemical wastes and the purchase of recycled products shall be priorities for all employees. These efforts should apply to both hazardous waste and to the non-hazardous wastes as well, such as paper, plastic, glass, aluminum and cardboard. No operation shall be undertaken or continued that could potentially harm the environment and all employees have the authority to cease any operation which poses an immediate serious threat to the environment. Employees shelf immediately report any spill of hazardous substance.
Shams Al Saduq Co mission is to discover how the environment affects people in order to promote healthier lives. It is, therefore, a core value of the institute to preserve and protect the environment. As we advance scientific understanding regarding the fundamental interrelationship between human health and the environment, we will proactively demonstrate our commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable development.
Personal Protective Equipment’s:
Shams Al Saduq Co strives to engineer out potential hazards, so as to minimize worker exposures. However, in reality, not all hazards can be abated entirely. As a last line of defense, Shams Al Saduq recognizes the need for personal protective equipment Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is any outer shell that a worker dons to protect him or herself from a certain hazard. Examples that Shams Al Saduq employee uses at work sites are:
- Safety Glasses – Protects from chippings, dust, lights
- Ear Protection – Protects ears from noise damage
- Safety Hardhat – Minimizes injury to the crown of the head
- Safety toed shoes – Protects feet from rolling, dropped, or any crushing actions.
- Safety Gloves – Minimizes injuries to the hand
- Safety Vests – Visibilities of workers to prevent unwanted injury